"Aren't you getting nervous yet?" appears to be the standard question whenever I tell people I'll be leaving for Vancouver for nine months next September - If all goes well, that is.
"No, my only real fear is that I'll miss my flight." is my evenly standardised answer by now.
And although it's a little more on my mind than this answer seems to give away, the truth is I'm really not thinking about it all that much. It's over a month away and I'm one of those last minute people. (You know, those people whom you dreaded to have to work with in college, who'd return your Sesame Street cd's by the time you were into Alanis Morissette and who somehow always manage to jump on delayed trains. Just remember - our intentions are good.) But let's hope the last minute will in this case turn out to be a few weeks, so I only forget 15% of what I'm supposed to take instead of the expected 73,59%.
So what else is on my mind?
My new blog, of course. Because it has to be original. The lay-out perfectly in tune with my sparkling personality, a fresh, spontaneous, witty and intelligent voice. Finding an audience, that's my purpose. As I dreamingly think about the numerous comments while I can hardly keep up with the replies. In short, eternal fame by means of a blog, a medium at anyone's disposal!
Hm, maybe I should consider going back to reality once in a while...
"No, my only real fear is that I'll miss my flight." is my evenly standardised answer by now.
And although it's a little more on my mind than this answer seems to give away, the truth is I'm really not thinking about it all that much. It's over a month away and I'm one of those last minute people. (You know, those people whom you dreaded to have to work with in college, who'd return your Sesame Street cd's by the time you were into Alanis Morissette and who somehow always manage to jump on delayed trains. Just remember - our intentions are good.) But let's hope the last minute will in this case turn out to be a few weeks, so I only forget 15% of what I'm supposed to take instead of the expected 73,59%.
So what else is on my mind?
My new blog, of course. Because it has to be original. The lay-out perfectly in tune with my sparkling personality, a fresh, spontaneous, witty and intelligent voice. Finding an audience, that's my purpose. As I dreamingly think about the numerous comments while I can hardly keep up with the replies. In short, eternal fame by means of a blog, a medium at anyone's disposal!
Hm, maybe I should consider going back to reality once in a while...
hehe, your description of our kind of people is so spot on, you are just brilliant, my dear lady!
Endless Audacity, at 10:01 a.m.
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